The Chairholder, Prof. K. Aravossis, and the Chair’s scientific team, have contributed through the publication of books, the editing of issues and chapters in peer-reviewed books. Some selected books are listed as follows.
- Aravossis K., Strantzali E., Special Issue ” Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization for Energy Systems”, Energies Journal, 2024 (Reprint).
- Aravossis K., Strantzali E., Special Issue ” Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization for Energy Systems”, Energies Journal, 2024.
- Aravossis K., Strantzali E., Special Issue ”Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization for Energy Systems: 2nd Edition on the Way to Green Transition”, Energies Journal, 2024.
- Kungolos A., Lasipidoy C., K.W. Shramm, Aravossis K., Samaras P., Marnellos G., Melidis P., “Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE2019) and SECOTOX Conference”, pages: 920 GRAFIMA Publ., 2019.
- Aravossis K., Kapsalis V., Special Issue “Energy and circular economy”, Energies Journal, 2019.
- Aravossis K., Quist J., Kapsalis V., Jong A., Special Volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production: Sustainable Production and Consumption within the Circular Economy | dedicated to the 18thERSCP 2017, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Aravossis K., “Proceedings of the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production -ERSCP. Towards a Cleaner Challenge and Evolution in the Framework of the Circular Economy”. Grafima Publications, pages 967 , ISBN: 978-618-5271-24-4, 2017.
- Kungolos A., Laspidou C., Aravossis K., Samaras P., Schramm K.W., Marnellos G., “Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference”, pages: 1278 GRAFIMA Publ., 2017.
- Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Laspidou C. Samaras P., Schramm K.W., “Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference”, pages: 821 GRAFIMA Publ., 2015.
- Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A., Samaras P., Schramm K.W., “Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference”, pages: 1.100 GRAFIMA Publ., 2013.
- Kungolos A., Karagiannidis A., Aravossis K., Samaras P., Schramm K.W., “Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference”, Volumes: 4, GRAFIMA Publ., 2011.
- Aravossis K., Brebbia C.A., “Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment III”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 131, WIT Press, UK, pages: 269. 2010.
- Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A., Samaras P., “Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference”, Volumes: 4, GRAFIMA Publ., 2009.
- Karagiannidis A., Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Special Issue ‘Waste Management’ (Special Issue Section on the First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics) of the International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Technology, Elsevier Press, UK, Volume 29:5, DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2008.12.001, 05/2009.
- Lasaridis M., Aravossis K., Special Issue “WAFO – Urban Air Quality & Sustainable Development” of the “Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus” Journal, Springer, The Netherlands, Volume 9, Nos 1-2, ββ, pages: 157.
- Aravossis K., Brebbia C.A., Gomez N., “Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment II” WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 108, WIT Press, UK, pages: 316. 2008.
- Aravossis K., Special Issue “Environmental Economics” of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Volume 3, Number 2, pages: 201,WIT PRESS, UK., 2008.
- Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A., Samaras P., “Proceedings of SECOTOX Conference and the International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics” Volumes: 4, pages: 3004, GRAFIMA Publ., 2007.
- Aravossis K., Brebbia C.A., Kakaras E., Kungolos A.G., “Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment” WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 98, WIT Press, UK, pages: 348, 2006.
Chapters in peer-reviewed books
- Bourtsalas A.C., Annepu R., Aravossis K., “Case studies around the world: successful stories and challenges”, Book Chapter ‘’Waste to Energy Technologies’’, Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Waste Treatment Processes for Energy Generation, pp. 119-141, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64083-3.00007-5, Elsevier, 2019.
- Aravossis K., Kapsalis V., “Thermal Energy Storage Technologies”, Power Engineering: Advances and Challenges Part A, Ch.13, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 383-420, 2018.
- Strantzali E., Aravossis K., “Decision Support Systems in the Technical-Economic Evaluation of Energy Investments”, N. Farandouris (ed.), Energy, Networks & Infrastructures, LEGAL LIBRARY, pp. 321 – 368, 2014. (in Greek)
- Tolis A., Rentizelas A., Aravossis K. , Tatsiopoulos I., “Decisions under uncertainty in Municipal Solid Waste Cogeneration investments”, A. Karagiannidis (ed.), Waste To Energy, Green Energy and Technology, Springer – Verlag London Ltd, 55, pp. 197 – 218, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2306-4_8, 2012.
- Panayiotou N., Aravossis K., “Supply Chain Management” In: Idowu, S. O., and Louche C. (Eds.): ”Theory & Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Chapter 4, Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 55 – 70, 2011.
- Panayiotou N., Aravossis K., & Saridakis K., “An Exploratory study of CSR Practices in the Greek Manufacturing Sector” In: Idowu, S. O. and Filho, W. L., (Eds.): ”Professionals’ Perspectives of CSR”, Part II “Engineering”, Chapter 10, Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p.p.191 – 208, 2009.
- Aravossis K., Panayiotou N. & Moschou P., “Greece: A Comparative Study of CSR Reports”, In: Idowu, S. O. and Filho, W. L., (Eds.): ”Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Chapter 7, Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p.p.149 – 164, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-8815-0_7, 2009.
- Aravossis K., “Environmental EU Legislation Requirements – Role of Economic Instruments in Reducing Implementation Costs”, Special Issue titled: “Transferring the Experience of Greece to Turkey in the Field of Environment During the Accession Period”, which was published under the Programme “Europa Bridges of Knowledge Programme 2007”, Ed.: Environment Foundation of Turkey, pp. 85-102, 2007.
- Aravossis K., “European Union Environmental Legislation Requirements”, Special Issue titled: “Transferring the Experience of Greece to Turkey in the Field of Environment During the Accession Period”, which was published under the Programme “Europa Bridges of Knowledge Programme 2007”, Ed.: Environment Foundation of Turkey, pp. 33-44, 2007. (in greek)
- Aravossis K., Third Edition of the National Issue for Greece “About Greece”, of the General Secretariat of Information, Section “Brand Greece”, pages. 267 to 276, 2007. (in greek)
- Aravossis K., “Emission Taxes and Transferable Emission Permits”, Special Collective Issue for “Environmental Dialogues’ of 20 May 2003 with the title” Financial Tools for Sustainable Development “LAW & NATURE Edited by Andr. Papandreou, V. Karageorghis, Sakkoulas Editions, Athens – Komotini 2003. (in greek)
- Kessler M., Aravossis K., “Strategische Planung und Entwicklung eines europäischen Abfall Informations – Netzwerkes’’, Bio – und Restabfallbehandlung V, Witzenhausen – Institut Neues aus Forschung und Praxis p.p. 669- 678, 2000.
- Aravossis K., “The contribution of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering in the technological approach of modern environmental problems”, Member of the Editorial Committee. Special edition P.S.D.M.-I., 06/06/1999, 98 pages. (in greek)