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Carbon Credits Metaregistry

The registry is developed within the research project “Recalculation and reverification of carbon footprint projects and metaregistry development”. It is realized by UNESCO Chair on Green Innovation and Circular Economy and assigned by MIRTEC S.A., the Greek National Certifier and Verifier Authority.

The UNESCO Chair on Green Innovation and Circular Economy focuses on Environmental Management and applied research projects. Environmental and Carbon footprint as well as Carbon Credits calculations are performed by the use of specialized methodologies and tools, according to international standards.

The UNESCO Chair is a member of the international UNESCO Chairs’ network and a leader in Intradisciplinary Environmental research and education activities concering Circular Economy and Environmental Management.

The role of the Verifier is undertaken by MIRTEC S.A. (EBETAM Α.Ε.), the Association of Industrial Research, Technological Development & Laboratory Testing, Certification and Quality. MIRTEC is a Greek multidisciplinary – polytechnological center of laboratory tests and certification of industrial and consumer products, materials, facilities and management systems. MIRTEC conducts inspection, audits, certifications, appraisals, damage or accident assessments, etc. which ensure responsible execution, guaranteeing reliable results. It is the Greek National Certifier and Verifier Authority.
This registry serves as a metaregistry in order to ensure carbon credit calculations and the accuracy and reliability of data concerning renewable energy projects. It contains the recalculation and re-verifation data, that correspond to the avoidance rates of carbon dioxide or other emissions by projects already registered in officially international registries (such as UCR) in order to further prove their results. This process helps maintain transparency and accountability in the reporting of performance metrics for projects utilizing Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

It ensures that there is no double registration and double counting of projects by recalculating carbon credits in accordance to ISO Standard 14064:2019. This standard provides a comprehensive framework for quantifying, monitoring, reporting, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions and reductions. Additionally, it aims to ensure certification according to European regulations. This dual focus enhances the accuracy and compliance of environmental data across projects.

The metaregistry’s emission calculations specifically focus on Scope 1 and 2, which cover direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling respectively. These Scopes are crucial for understanding the direct environmental impact of the project’s operations. Scope 3, which includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, is not included in this calculation framework, as it is not mandatory. This exclusion simplifies the reporting process, while still providing a comprehensive view of the project’s direct and energy-related emissions, essential for assessing its environmental footprint.

Besides certified calculations in accordance with ISO Standard 14064:2019, each project is also evaluated for compliance with the relevant regulatory framework. Furthermore, the registry assesses whether each project aligns with specific policies and procedures for its various activities.

Another information, that can be derived from this metaregistry, relates to the calculation of carbon avoidance according to the methodology, that applies to each type of project under UNFCCC guidelines.

Users can access details on the start and end periods of carbon credits, as well as the timeline for monitoring these credits.

Each project is accurately aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a corresponding badge displayed in the metaregistry to signify this alignment. This accurate alignment not only underscores the project’s contribution to specific SDGs, but also elevates its visibility and credibility in terms of its sustainable development impact. Ultimately, this fosters a deeper understanding among stakeholders concerning the environmental and social merits of each project.

The metaregistry provides also detailed information regarding the certifying body for each project, along with the inspection date and the certificate number. By including these certification details, the metaregistry helps users verify the authenticity and regulatory compliance of the projects, promoting trust and confidence in the reported outcomes.

You can find the Metaregistry here.