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Dr Maria Atzemi Senior Researcher


Dr Maria Atzemi is a Chemical Engineering from the University of Patras and has a Ph.D. in the field of Synthesis and Development of Industrial Processes in the School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA.

Research Interest

Atmospheric pollution, Sustainability, Renewable fuels and energy resources, Environmental management, Circular economy, prevention and recovery of marine pollution and environmental disasters, Maritime environment, Waste management.

She is an Associate Researcher at the UNESCO Chair on Green Innovation and Circular Economy of the National Technical University of Athens.

Maria Atzemi is currently the Head of Sustainability at Break Even Consulting, focusing on sustainability and environmental management. She has developed strategies to enhance the environmental and social sustainability of organizations and businesses, managed projects to record and reduce carbon and water footprints and engaged in the sustainable management of water resources and waste.

Maria Atzemi has extensive experience in atmospheric pollution and environmental sustainability. She has participated in numerous environmental projects, as well as, marine pollution control projects, leading the design and development of innovative solutions for the maritime and automotive sectors. Maria has provided consulting services for expert reports and been part of scientific teams supporting issues related to major environmental accidents and litigation.